Holden Caulfield Red Hunting Hat Essay

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As the old saying goes, “If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” This sentiment holds true in so many things, perhaps most of all in growing up and maturing. So if one isn’t able to dream of growing up, how is one to achieve it? Holden Caulfield, the main character of J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, is a struggling teenage boy who has just been kicked out of prep school and feels enormously alone in his situation. Because of this, he decides to leave his school and wander around New York City by himself before he has to go home to his family. As the novel progresses, Holden goes from struggling with viewing maturing positively, to ultimately making peace with its inevitability. Holden’s red hunting hat is a symbol of his relationship …show more content…

When Holden gets back to his dorm room after visiting Mr. Spencer, he says, “...I put on this hat that I’d bought in New York that morning. It was this red hunting hat, with one of those very, very long peaks. I saw it in the window of this sports store we got out of the subway, just after I noticed I’d lost all the goddamn foils”(17). Holden buys the hat on impulse, after doing a very irresponsible thing in losing the foils. He ran away from the presumably very angry team to go and buy this hat. Both these things are inherently immature acts, showcasing the mindset Holden has towards maturity; denouncing it. This negativity surrounding the idea of maturity is furthered in what Holden does when wearing the hat for the first time. After he puts on the hat, Holden “...swung the old peak [of the hat] way around to the back-- very corny, I'll admit, but I liked it that way. I looked good in it that way. Then I got this book I was reading and sat down in my chair” (18). Holden stays like this until Ackley comes into his dorm and starts bothering him so much he

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