Hobbes Vs Locke

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Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are born in different times but are both political philosophers who are famous for their theories about the structure of society. Although they share this similarity they have many differences as well with the way wanted the government to be, and their viewpoint on the nature of man. This is where they started to differ because they had different assumptions about the nature of human reactions. They both wrote many books and had other careers before becoming Philosophers. They both attended Oxford, but right away John Locke did something with his degree, he became a professor there at Oxford. As Thomas Hobbes was finding his way he became a tutor, but still work on his life and thought about what he wanted to be. …show more content…

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes each advocated tenets of human nature and government during the seventeenth century. Hobbes and Locke has many similarities which makes them somewhat special. Of course they both were important philosophers, but they both had something to do with the Social Contract theory. The Social Contract Theory started right after the English Civil War. The Contract Theory describes a wide set of theories that try to explain the ways in which people form states to maintain social order. Not only did Hobbes want to know why we need a government Locke did also. They both wondered what life would be like if people didn’t have a government, so they both wanted to have an agreement in which both sides agree to something in order to reach a shared goal. Like Hobbes, Locke believed this would lead to a state of nature with no rules, no one in charge, and no way for people to protect their …show more content…

Thomas Hobbes ideas are like the movie, The Purge. Hobbes believed that other people are responsible for the person’s rights and wrongs. So when it’s time to get put in a situation to kill one other, they could kill for anything such as: resources, safety, and even just by the judgment of each other. With Hobbes stating his idea on the Social Contract on human nature they had the right to kill each other. He made everyone be in competition for anything no matter if it was food, shelter, or clothing. Hobbes thought this was to protect the citizens from each other. As for John Locke he believed everything was for religious reasons. He was more passionate in the citizens because he saw the good in people. Locke thought people were more peaceful and willing to coexist. He thought the people of the government had a say so to anything that went on, so if the people didn’t think someone should be in the office, they should be removed, and someone else should be put in the office who is trustworthy. He wanted to protect the rights of the people. With this there advantages and disadvantages. Locke’s religious rights and toleration was to replace a crazy government which was a good advantage because people had the right to practice any religion as long as they don’t harm anyone else in order to witness to their god, but the religious toleration would not extend to the Romans. Even though Hobbes had a protected

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