Hitler's Rise to Power During the Early 1930's

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Hitler's Rise to Power During the Early 1930's Hitler was famous and considered a heroic figure during 1930 right through to the 1940's. This tells of how Hitler got to this particular stage in his life, and how he kept it. It wasn't until 1928 that Hitler realised that Armed revolutions didn't gain him immediate or total control ( after the failure of the Munich Putsch), and he decided that to get to the position he wanted to reach he would have to do it legally, and so he decided to stand him and his party in the Reichstag elections. But he wasn't the only party which was determined to win, the communists began a great propaganda campaign as well. They copied some of the Nazis ideas such as parading in front of their leader (Ernest Thalmann) and also fought raging street battles with the Nazi's in Berlin. But when the first results came in, it showed that both the communists and the Nazi's got a low number of seats (Nazi's getting 12 and the communists getting 54) and it showed that violence hadn't benefited either of them. The social democratic party won despite the fact they had been branded the 'November Criminals'. Then in October 1929, all the business men and other countries who had lent Germany money all wanted it back. This of course was an effect of the wall street crash. This brought Germany crashing down and the German economy lay in ruins. Companies went bankrupt all over Germany, which resulted in exceedingly high unemployment figures ( up to 6,100,000 in January 1933). While Germany was in ruin and disarray, the Nazi's took this depression as a blessing, as many people blamed the government for the collapse, ... ... middle of paper ... ...ad been those men, and now they'd just sworn an oath to him. In conclusion Hitler managed to gain power by keeping himself the talk of Germany, using as much propaganda as he could to publicise himself, keeping a constant reign of terror with his private army, and legally working his way up to power through elections. He then managed to keep hold of this power by inserting new laws which made any other competition against the Nazi's impossible( and illegal),killing any competitors, any threats and any Anti-Nazi's. Hitler was a very clever man, and he managed to persuade most people at first that he was pleasing everyone, but I'm sure when their friends and family began being thrown into jail or shot, that they realised what they'd done, but then it was too late, Hitler had total control, and no one to oppose him.

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