Hitler: The Most Evil Man In Modern Society

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It is evident that over the last two thousand years life has changed. Our modern society would not be recognised by people through Jesus' time nor from civilians from World War II. Our transportation system, technology, economy and our western liberal democratic system would be unidentifiable to previous generations. But has everything changed? Is there anything that has remained constant? Is our fast paced, busy nomadic lifestyle similar to those that the people of the first century lived? Josh Cairns writes that the definition of what is good and evil remains unchanged.
THERE are many famous people in the world. Some are well-known in their own community and others are known worldwide. People around the world know the name of Jesus Christ, …show more content…

He served as dictator from 1934 to 1945. His policies precipitated World War II and the Holocaust. Carried out by the Nazi party, lead by Adolf Hitter the Holocaust is know as modern society's darkest times, the pinnacle of evil. Six million Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis. This included as many as one million Jewish children. Millions of other ethnicities, this included Polish people, Catholics, Serbs, and handicapped people. It is thought that the Nazis murdered as many as 17 million innocent people. I feel Hitler is the most evil man in society. He killed millions of innocent Jews simply because they were not what he saw as pure. He invoked fear into the world and used concentration camps to kill and use the Jews to his advantage. And to top off this horrific time in society he had no remorse thinking that he was a hero character for his actions. This event in society makes me feel sick to the stomach. A century later the events executed by Adolf Hitler are still seen a society's darkest times, lead by personally I feel some of humanity's most evil people. That which is evil evidentially is seen as constant throughout …show more content…

Like gravity it has been felt since the beginning of time. From Jesus time; an austere way of life, to World War II and to the modern times that which is good and evil remains unchanged.
So although during the last twenty centuries technology, scientific knowledge and the economy has changed, somethings remain the same. As time passes our worldly knowledge and possessions will pass for the new, but we do know one thing for sure. Humans will continue to recognise that which is good and that which is evil. "You can not connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them by looking backwards, so you have to trust the dots somehow connect in your future." Steve

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