History Of The Asia Giant Hornet

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The Asia Giant Hornet is located in Eastern Asia. It’s habitat is Dence woodland. The Asia Giant Hornet’s skin type is shell. The Asia Giant Hornet is a carnivore. It’s prey is bees, honeybees, insects, and wasps. It’s predators are humans. The Asia Giant Hornet’s conservation status is threatened. It’s biggrst threat is habitat loss. The distinctive features are wide black and orange body and large mandibles. Another name for the Asia Giant Hornet is Giant Sparrow Bee. It’s group is wasp and the number of species is 1. The size of the hornet is 2.7cm-5.5cm. The group behavior is colony. The life span is 3 to 5 months. The name of their young is Larvae. The Asia Giant Hornet is the largest wasp in the world. The Asia Giant Hornet was first

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