History Of Gum Essay

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what brand of gum last the longest? The purpose of my project is to see which brand of gum lasts the longest out of six different brands that I have chosen. I was interested in this project after I noticed that some gums flavor lasted longer than other when I would chew them.

Where did gum come from. Believe it or not people have been chewing on the natural form of gum for thousands of years. The most common form of gum that people chewed on was tree resin lumps, but sweet grasses, grains, leaves, tree saps and waxes were also used. Chewing gum has been chewed in many forms and flavors from as far back as the ancient Greeks, ancient Mayans and North American Indians. According to Emma Greene “the first commercial chewing gum was invented and sold in 1848. by John Bacon Curtis. He called his chewing gum the State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum.Hey experimented with spruce tree resin and made a sticky, rubbery material which …show more content…

As time has gone by the ingredients of gum has changed. Nowadays the main ingredient in gum is called “gum base”, which is where gum gets it name from. “Depending on the brand, gum base is made out of different combinations of rubbers or latex, resins, waxes, and fats. The heat from your mouth causes these ingredients to soften but, because they all repel water, your spit doesn't cause the gum to break down like it does when you eat other foods! “ Rodenhauser, A. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, 2017, from http://www.whyzz.com/why-is-gum-chewy(n.d.). A long time ago people used tree saps as a gum base. This is one reason why different gums get harder or softer the longer you chew them. The amount of gum base determines the chewiness. Some gums contain 15%-20% of a gum base while some others (sugar free) can be as high as a 25%-30% gum base. In order to prevent gum from becoming too hard or dry, gum makers have added softeners. Most of these softeners are made from substances developed from glycerin or vegetable

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