History Of German Expressionism

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The German Expressionism was a period that came following the devastation of World War I, it came when the people of Germany needed something to claim as their own. The expressionism movement gave Germany just that; it helped them not only in the filmmaking industry, but also in their personal lives. The German Expressionism changed the way we look at and view films. The German Expressionism altered, for the better, the way that films were made back then and the way that they are made today.
The period of post World War I was a very important time period for Germany, it was a chance for Germany to make a new name for itself. Germany used this period to make advances in many areas, but on major one was the art of cinema. Before WWI cinema was fairly simple. However, when the opportunity arose after WWI Germany took it, and helped in making cinema into what it is today. After the war was over the German government knew it needed to do something to help its citizens, who were hurting. The government and military worked to support the local film industries. The borders were cl...

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