History Of American Graffiti

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Daelyn Harris March 6th 2014 History of American Graffiti from 1960 to 2014 The name graffiti was created in 1971 by the New York Times when they wrote an article on a writer named Taki 183. Graffiti is just about anywhere you look, from subway stops to tall skyscrapers. A lot of artists use spray paint cans and chalk to make their graffiti on. ``Art in the Street`` unrolled at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, California in 2011. This exhibit shows the works of U.S and international artists including Shepard Fairey, Margaret Kilgallen, Banksy, and JR. Jean Michel Basquiat's works are shown in a special gallery dedicated to 1980`s artists. In the last few decades, Graffiti art has even made its way into some of the most famous art galleries. People use graffiti as a way to express themselves and show their perspective of the world (youthvoices.net). Everyone has their own opinions on what graffiti is to them. Some people like it and other people hate it because they think it is a crime or it ruins the urban environment they live in ( Liz Gogerly). For some people, Graffiti is a powerful way to preach a point or share their opinions in a hands on way ( Liz Gogerly). The Cyber Bench documents New York City by saying that political activists use it as way to express their ideas and street gangs use it as a way to label their territory (www.at149st.com). The history of the underground movement, known by many names but traditionally known by``graffiti,`` began in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the mid to late 60`s. Graffiti is grounded in bombing, a practice of painting several spots in a single area. The style of urban graffiti that we know today is the kind with spraycans, and came from New York City in... ... middle of paper ... ...d it was illegal for the most part but it influenced his work(www.moreintelligentlife.com). He asked the neighborhood guys to join their gang but they said,`` Marquis theres nothing here for you you can come hang out with us well let you paint on our walls but you dont have to be part of us`` and he commented that he owed them a lot for letting him do his own thing and chase his dream (www.moreintelligentlife.com). In closing, as you can see from the famous artists such as Jean Michel Basquiat and Retna, Graffiti is still playing a major role in our modern culture and can be a good and bad thing. A lot of people view it as their right to self expression. Graffiti can help illuminate up trashed and soiled buildings and can disrupt the flow of store owners trying to have a successful business. Graffiti has also become a way that some people make their living.

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