History 7

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Arman Stalin mini essays May13
Stalin’s idea of the five year plan in 1928 was main component to industrialization. He made a speech telling people that they were fifty to a hundred years behind advanced countries and many people bought into the “we need to start industrializing” Industrialization did help the USSR from having people having no electricity and living in wooden houses outside of cities and by Stalin having making a urban working class in trying to put people at work in factories to make goods and help the growth of the USSR in a whole of having new roads, electricity in houses, people having homes and jobs to go to and a stable economy with productions being made helped the country at an economic standpoint but had some bumps in the road and later cost many people’s lives with Stalin’s dictator mentality of punishing and killing people that didn’t agree with him. One of the plans in the “Five year plan” was collectivisation of agriculture which Stalin believe was a downfall before he came to power which made the USSR a terrible state. He believed providing food to workers in factories from farms was going to make the whole country better. Small farms were gathered into one big farm. It was made to produce more food to better cities and factory workers and if enough food weren’t made in these extra factories that were made in cities all over the USSR. Machinery was used once Stalin was in charge and when the farmers were as one. People were getting jobs for using tractors, harvesters etc. Lenin gave land to the peasants so some farmers were doing really well and didn’t want to be grouped up. The richer peasants were called kulaks and were not a fan of collectivis...

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... freedom and labor was excruciating as the government controlled every step with income and land and freedom of speech and the labor was good just because of how industrialized Russia became with Stalin’s plans but as many people that were able to get more jobs during Stalin’s ruling were not that educated and any kind of mistakes would rule in harsh punishment. Stalin’s reign had a lot of good things but it had a huge cost of the Russian people. http://www.studentpulse.com/articles/8/stalin-and-the-drive-to-industrialize-the-soviet-union http://ibatpv.org/projects/soviet_union/collectivization%20and%20industrialization.htm http://history1900s.about.com/od/people/ss/Stalin_9.htm http://russiapedia.rt.com/of-russian-origin/stalins-purges/ http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/Stalins%20Russia.htm https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100503165952AAEYY8p

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