Histone Modifications Research Paper

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1. Histone modifications can effect transcription by altering the chromatin structure or the interaction with other regulatory proteins. Addition of positive or negative charges through the modifications disrupts the electrostatic interaction between the histones and DNA, which modulates the chromatin structure and therefore, the accessibility of DNA to the regulatory proteins. DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification which can influence the interaction between transcription factors and CpG dinucleotides, chromatin structure or binding between methylated DNA and methylation recognition factors.

The different types of histone modifications are :
Acetylation is mediated by histone acetyltransferases (HATs) which act as coactivators for transcription by interacting with the DNA-binding activators. Acetylation catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group to the ε-amino group of the lysine residue with the utilization of the acetyl CoA as cofactor.Example: H3K56 acetylation by p300/CBP. HDACs have opposite effects to that of HATs, and remove the acetyl group from the lysine residues.
Phosphorylation is mediated by kinases by the transfer of phosphate group to the hydroxyl group of the amino-acid side chain of the histones from ATP, and can be play activatory or repressive role. This results in the addition of negative charge to the histones, thereby effecting the chromatin structure. Example: Phosphorylation of H3 on Ser 10 is associated with transcriptional activation. H2A phosphorylation by MSK1 represses transcriptional activation. Phosphatases revert back the effect of kinases by removing the phosphate group.
Methylation of the histones by methyltransferases occurs at the lysine or arginine residues, which can undergo mono-, di...

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...evel of transcript, protein synthesis or genome.
The effects of RNAi can be contrary to chromatin and DNA modifications in mediating mRNA degradation, inhibition of translation, DNA elimination and similar in heterchromatin formation.
RNAi is post-transcriptional, histone modification can be transcriptional and post-translational modification and DNA modification is at the level of transcription.
RNAi can be reversible or irreversible, while histone and DNA modifications are reversible process.
RNAi involves complementary base-pairing with the target RNA to bring about repression, while DNA and chromatin modification requires bromodomains, chromodomains, specific amino-acid residues and chemical groups for protein- DNA and -histone interaction.
RNAi, DNA and chromatin modification are involved in heterochromatin formation and gene regulation and genome stability.

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