Hinduism: The Oldest Religion In The World

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Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It has no original founder and the date in which the religion was founded is nowhere to be found. Hindus believe in one God, He’s both immanent and transcendent, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality. Hindus believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, the world's most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as equally revealed. These primordial hymns are God's word and the bedrock of Santana Dharma, the eternal religion. The universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution.
Hindus believe that each individual creates his own destiny by the way he or she lives. Hindus believes in reincarnation, when they die they evolve through many birth. They believe that in unseen worlds, spiritual beings exist and that rituals along with temple worship, personal devotions create a communion with God ant the unseen beings. Hindus believe that a leader or master should know the transcendent absolute.
Hindus believe in the sacredness of every life and that each and every soul should be loved all life to be loved …show more content…

Shinto has no founder, no official sacred texts, and no formalized system of doctrine. Shintoism means way of Gods. Shinto believes in “Kami”, sacred or divine beings Shinto believes in uniquely developing attitudes and Japanese consciousness. They also believe Kami exists in nature. Kami are not like the all-powerful divine beings found in Western religion, but the abstract creative forces in nature, Shinto’s also believe that after a family member dies they become Kami and is revered back to their family as ancestral Kami. Shinto believes in living in harmony and coexisting with everyone from other religion background. It was in the 8th century that Shinto practices were first recorded and codified. Shintoism is practiced by almost 70% of the Japanese population thus making Shintoism the largest religion in

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