Him,Her, and the Truck

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And there they were, driving to British Columbia in a pick-up truck with a broken $50 cap tied around with a metal chain and a pad locked looped around the door and over the bumper. “We looked like total hillbillies”, says Jackie as she laughed and reminisced. They had nothing but this broken pick-up truck cap with an Eastham Rod&Gun club sticker with an NRA member sticker, all of their clothes, and each other. Devon and Jackie had gone to college together, but they never really began dating until the spring of their senior year. “We were really good friends, but we hadn’t been dating that long when we moved together to the Cape. About 2 months later we decided to move to British Columbia”, explained Jackie with the biggest smile on her face. At 22, they both had enough money saved up from working that they could take this risk of moving away from home, across the country. It was that moment in their lives where they knew they could be adventurous and try something new. Devon found a job at a biology lab at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. This seemed like a perfect idea, since Devon’s parents were a little bit south of there. They decided to go for it. They drove from one of the most easterly points you could reach, Orleans Massachusetts, all the way across to Surrey British Columbia in 5 days. At 14, Jackie went to a boarding school. She has always had a very close relationship with her parents and her brother. “I was used to leaving home very often, but I always knew that I’d be back in a couple weeks, or even months. This just felt so final.” But just like that, Jackie and Devon packed their bags and drove off. There they were, stuck in a pick-up truck with each other for the next 5 days until their destina... ... middle of paper ... ... with your boyfriend in a pick-up truck driving across the country could be a bit overwhelming. This trip solidified Jackie and Devon’s relationship. It gave them the sense, and knowledge that they could get through a lot of problems and be okay with it. Even though they would argue and disagree while on this trip, they got through it together. “It was like trial by fire. We could’ve had a huge argument on that trip. But what could we have done about it at that point? We were stuck in this car for 5 days,” she said as she laughed about it. Looking back at the trip, the only thing that Jackie would do differently is leaving earlier so they would have enough time to go sightseeing, and take a couple detours. After they had lived in British Columbia for a couple months, they decided to come back to the East Coast. “We loved British Columbia, but home was calling us.”

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