Hillary Clinton Should Be President Essay

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The election is one of the most annoying things in the world sometimes. But it is very important because the person who wins is going to lead our country, for four year or eight or get kicked out. There are reason to support a canedit and hate one. But if I had to choose the lesser of the elvils it would be Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump. Why because there are many policies that I agree with that I agree with. One of the first reasons Is the immigration policy I think Hillarys is way better than Trumps ideas, Second there's how they are handling the military, then last but not least, Plan parenthood I just think some things need to stay. So I think Hillary should be president and i'll tell you why. One of the biggest controversies in this election is immigration and both of the candidates stands on it. It is very important because there are so many immigrants and especially illegal immigrants. Trumps issues on it is, Any way that dont come in legally they would have to return to their home countries and apply for legal entry should they wish to return. He hasn't said what …show more content…

On one hand there are people who are like that is murder you should not kill an unborn baby, but on the other hand that is in someone and it's there elif decision. Now Trump is trying to ban it and that is wrong because people should be able to choose what they want to do with their body or child “ I am committed to defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to perform abortions and reallocating their funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive healthcare for women,”- Trump. I do not agree with that, I think it should be funded and that Hillary Has the right stance on that. She is supporting it and is trying to give more funding for it not trying to shut it down. It gives a lot of help to people that can't afford what they need or want to do with plan

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