High School Student Monitoring

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There are two main points why schools should not be able to monitor student accounts on social media because some may take it as an attack towards their privacy given to them by the fourth amendment. The other point is that the required resources needed to be used while monitoring can be excessive. Now during the years in high school students learn more about the functions of the government and the rights given to them by the constitution. It is also known that during the high school years students prefer privacy and to an extreme extent go against authority. The students after being taught the fourth amendment which is the right to privacy, they can argue that having their social media monitored can be counted as an unreasonable search without warrant. So logically implementing this new rule would not be in favor for the school as the students would try to go against it losing the …show more content…

These resources would include a system to manage all the known social media accounts and having all those accounts access able to the school. The schools would also need to purchase or create their own system to have certain keywords when used enable a red flag system alerting the staff members. To make sure this system runs well and have no problems there would also be a need for a group of IT to maintain and update this monitoring system. As mentioned before obtaining the all the students account and to be able to access them is a difficult task due to the some possibilities such as if the student were to not give the information away or to create a private secondary account on the social media site. With all of probable options there is almost guaranteed that the efforts to help treat the cyber bulling to fail especially if said bully has the ability to create multiple accounts to attack a single

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