High School Sports: A Competitive Analysis

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Competitive high school sports engage almost six million high school students (American Academy of Pediatrics, n.d., as cited in Discovery Education, 2014). Most high school athletes begin playing sports at a young age and continue throughout their teenage years. Often times the negative effects are discussed and opinions are formed without thorough investigation of high school sports and their valuable impacts. High school students should be supported in their play of competitive sports because of the positive effects of the student athletes, physically, educationally, psychologically, and socially throughout their high school years, as well as instill a foundation that forges character to be carried throughout adulthood. Childhood obesity …show more content…

Students are required to maintain a specific grade point average to be eligible to play. Studies have shown student athletes are more apt to maintain higher grades in their schoolwork (Rosewater, 2009). Another key point is student athletes put in extra effort to raise their own academic achievements and have an increased chance of furthering their education by going to college. Moreover, they have a greater attendance record for high school. Furthermore, the educational lessons learned from sport experience are remarkable. For example, competitive sports teaches the students to handle failure and success through the outcomes of their games as well as personal goals. Students learn to be persistently ambitious and accept failures as a part of that journey. Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player ever, did not make his high school varsity basketball team. He said, “Whenever I was working out and got tired and figured I ought to stop, I’d close my eyes and see that list in the locker room without my name on it and that usually got me going again” (Schwartz, n.d., n.p.). Despite the failure, not making the team taught him hard work was the key to success. This lesson is advantageous to the high school students as well because it teaches them great work ethic to be used as …show more content…

LaSha’, a 16 year old high school athlete said, “Playing sports has helped me in many ways, but socially it has allowed me to build relationships for life. Sports has also opened doors for my future by getting the attention of scouts for scholarship opportunities, but not only for my athletic abilities. Being a part of team as taught me to be a team player and supportive of my teammates. It has brought me out of my shell and helped me to be less nervous.” (L. Scott, personal communication, November 11, 2014). As one can see competitive sports gives the students access to many social benefits. Everyone wants to be accepted, have friends, and be viewed with respect. Sports gives these students the tools to be a positive role model, and they are often accepted socially by others. Studies have shown student athletes are more involved in volunteer work within their own community which is teaching them to give back to others (U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, 2014.) The students learn several social standards by playing competitive sports. These standards build character that they will utilize their entire

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