High School: One Of The Most Memorable Moments In Our Life

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High school is one of the most memorable moments in our lives. It’s a time to discover who we are and what we have to offer to the world. It is also a time to gain new friendships and experiences, and when our education is most important when deciding our future. This is the picture that is painted for those who have not yet experienced high school or have forgotten it all together. The reality of it all is that it’s not as pretty as people make it out to be. High school is a continuous cycle of monotone classrooms and non-engaging subjects that we never talk about again. The teachers don’t form relationships with their students and don’t ask enough questions to make them engaged in what they’re learning. This limits a student’s creativity and willingness to think on their own and draw their own conclusions. The teachers just hand out the information while the student writes it down, memorizes it, takes a test, and never use that information again. The students are also not taken seriously because the teacher thinks that they are above them instead of seeing them as an equal. This shouldn’t be how a high school, or any school, operates. The students and teachers need to be on the same level and ask each other questions in order to learn about both each other and the material as well as apply it to the outside world. …show more content…

As I look back to my old teachers, there were very few that I had a close relationship with. One in particular was my Environmental Science teacher. She would always check on me to see how I was doing in my classes and if I needed help with anything. She did this even after I didn’t have her class anymore. It’s these types of relationships that students should have with their teachers. They should be able to go to school not only to learn, but to have someone there that they can go to for

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