High School Dropouts

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High school has many problems and many hard obstacles to overcome. Some people study harder or get help, and others quit. They drop out and the problem completely disappears. The dropout rate in the United States alone is 1.2 million and is at a steady increase. Students were asked why they dropped out or what there thoughts were on dropping out of High school and reasons ranged from having mental disabilities and not having help to the fact that they were bored and just didn't feel like going anymore. High school is meant to challenge young adults and prepare them for what life has to come. If a student can't get through four years of High school the consequences are endless. Some consequences such as the ability or opportunity to get a job becomes scarce or the inability to do certain life lessons taught in these classes impact said students in dramatic ways. High school students such as Marcus, Lawrence, Marco, and Sparkle; Whose stories became very public experienced the pros and cons of a high school diploma personally. …show more content…

In his last year Lawrence decided that it was to much for him to handle. He then went into great detail about his goal to be the first of his siblings to graduate and be a role model to his younger siblings and his family. Lawrence became challenged to meet this goal when his behavior became an issue. He stated that he felt that everyone was against him on days where he felt like giving up and other days he felt as if everyone was rooting for him. Lawrence tried for a couple weeks and left completely to go back to the streets and as of now hasn't moved any closer to being successful in

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