Hg Wells Accomplishments

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H.G. Wells was infamous for making scientific predictions of events that would later occur throughout time. Wells used his available platforms to convey his ideas of future progression. During his lifetime, he had produced novels such as The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, and The War of the Worlds, which would later become three of his most famous works. These novels caused tremendous amounts of controversy due to their themes of science going “too far.” H.G. Wells used his novels to predict wars, genetic splicing, and various weapons of destruction that are used in modern day science.
In his younger years, Wells had possessed a natural writing ability. This would later give him a capability to create works of literature that would …show more content…

Wells have changed people’s views on the atomic bomb theories. Wells imagined the atomic bomb in the late 1800’s and decided to put in a best selling novel. In the novel Time Machine, he writes about how the bomb is supposed to be produced and how it works. While Wells writes about his theory over the bomb, years later, the United States created the first atomic bomb and did not give Wells credit. This both irritated and upset the novelist/scientist. The atomic bomb has been put to the test multiple times and has been a great deal of help for the United States defense system. If Wells had not of wrote down his theory over high explosive bombs, then the worlds warfare wouldn’t be where it as today and may have taken a great amount of years to of been thought up and produced for mass sale amongst the world’s greatest allies and enemies. Who knows where the United Sates of America’s defense would be without the help of Wells. Then energy weapons that wells predicted in his own writing are into affect in today’s society. The notes Wells Writes are accurate and energy weapons are also included in the context of the notes. When Wells was a young adult; he had a plan and theory on energy weapons. H.G. had a creative mind, but also a dark side about futuristic warfare. In todays society energy weapons are used in a variety of situations amongst many different cultures and continents. Most energy weapons are used in law enforcement or the United States Army. Energy weapons such as: Tasers and guns but the list of things created by Wells stretches on. The world’s events are made of predictions that lead to movements around the globe such as: Riots on public streets, self-defense, and protection of homes. Countless crimes have been stopped and concluded using tools that Wells has created in a matter of notes and pure scientific intelligence and foresight to future events, but no one knows what kind of damage or catastrophes can occur by some of Wells larger inventions. A

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