Heroes In The Odyssey

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When people think of a hero, they picture someone flawless, someone who does no wrong. A hero is humble and is recognized for constantly saving people in dangerous situations. But that is not realistic. Heroes have flaws, and they do not always make the right choices, but they are still heroes because their courageous actions outweigh their rather dishonorable ones. This topic is discussed in the epic poem, The Odyssey by Homer. Odysseus does not always fit his image as god-like, but he is still very much a hero because he has respectable morals and he protects those in need of protection. Homer does not introduce the main character, Odysseus, until the middle of the story but instead introduces his family and kingdom. Twenty years after he …show more content…

He was being challenged mentally, emotionally, and physically by Poseidon but still managed to save his men from tough situations. Odysseus even told the Phaeacians that “Any crewman who ate the lotus, the honey-sweet fruit, lost all desire to send a message back, much less return, their only wish to linger there with the Lotus-eaters, grazing on lotus, all memory of the journey home dissolved forever. But I brought them back, back to the hollow ships, and streaming tears.” (Book Nine, lines 105-110) Odysseus did not give in to the temptation of the lotus plant, and he saved the men who did. Odysseus is also very quick on his feet. He knows when and how to react while in a dilemma. When Odysseus and his crew had to deal with a Cyclops, Odysseus came up with a plan to defeat him. “With that he toppled over, sprawled full-length, flat on his back and lay there, his massive neck slumping to one side, and sleep that conquers all overwhelmed him now as wine came spurting, flooding up from his gullet with chunks of human flesh-he vomited, blind drunk. Now, at last, I thrust our stake in a bed of embers to get it red hot.” Even in a situations where most people’s thinking would be clouded with fear and panic, Odysseus managed to come up with a successful plan to derail the Cyclops. He most likely acquired these skills from battle, which is very

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