Hero In Ernest J. Gaines A Lesson Before Dying

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The influence a hero can have on people is immense because he can inspire and guide them to attain specific goals. In A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines, Grant is Jefferson’s hero and mentor, helping him with a variety of problems in the precious time he has left. As a result of Jefferson’s false conviction and death sentence, he becomes very depressed and does not see any point in trying to become a “true man”. Being called a “hog”, by his lawyer during his trial in the courtroom, also causes him to lose the little dignity and pride he had left further depressing him. In addition, he refuses to learn from Grant and finds any way to make others feel guilty for what was happening to him. This hostility also became directed towards his …show more content…

This causes Jefferson not to care about anything and does not use the time that is still left for becoming a “man”. For example, Jefferson believes that “nothing [does not] matter,” (Gaines 73) even when Miss. Emma offers him his favorite food and she explains how much she is missing him. He is morphing into a nihilist, which does not make the situation any better for him. It also affects the people of his community, who are seeing him die a sad, and considerably pathetic death. However, Grant being the hero he is to Jefferson, does not give up. By going to visit Jefferson, Grant shows, and explains to him that he is important. Specifically, by giving Jefferson the notebook and pencil, he is able to further reflect on his life. He realizes he should not be a nihilistic person, but rather be strong and inspire the black community. For instance, when talking to Grant shortly before his death, he claims that, “ [he is going] to do [his] best, Mr. Wiggins. That is all [he] can promise.”(225). It is evident Grant helps Jefferson become positive and an existentialist. Instead of being depressed, Jefferson promises that he will do his best which is very different from the Jefferson right after the trial. To further prove this, in his journal, Jefferson even writes that he misses Grant when he does not come, apologizes for all the things he did, talks about heaven, and says a man will sit in the electric chair. Jefferson’s …show more content…

Heroes and role models can inspire people to accomplish and achieve meaningful goals that may not just benefit themselves, but other people as well. A hero, by touching the hearts of some people, can inflict change on a whole society and even the world. For example, right before World War Two in the 1936 Olympic Games, Hitler wanted to prove that his Aryan race was superior by winning all events. However, a black man named Jesse Owens won four gold medals, winning the most gold medals over any other athlete. He showed to Hitler and the whole world that Aryans were not superior and embarrassed Hitler in his own country. This caused all of Germany to question Hitler’s word and gave people in the United States and all of Europe hope against Hitler. This hope channeled into bravery in war and exerts believed to have played a major role in the war by crippling the Nazi’s confidence and inspiring all of the allied powers. Even though Jesse Owens was successful during the Olympic Games, what he is remembered for was starting a movement and showing up Hitler. While the medals are small and just physical things, what they meant to the world was crucial. Jesse Owens became a role model and hero for people to look up to so that when they had their own battle against the

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