Herb Brooks Motivational Techniques

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Sam Mathe Professor Williams SPM 146 March 18, 2024 Sport and Exercise Psychology Movie: Miracle Through Motivation The movie Miracle is about the 1980 Olympic men’s hockey team’s incredible and unlikely win over Russia in the semi final game. The team is coached by Herb Brooks, who played and coached at the University of Minnesota. The movie is a true story, based on real events and stories about the team and their journey. Brooks is selected as the head coach, and immediately knows he isn’t there to be a friend to the boys he selects to play for the team. He is their coach, someone who needs to have a stern attitude, and teach his team how to be winners. The team, compiled of young college kids mostly from Minnesota and Massachusetts, is …show more content…

In a way, it helps you build a sense of togetherness, because you and your team are doing it as a group, and as a family. I do not, however, agree with skating a team, post game, for over an hour. That is something that just makes people feel frustrated, underappreciated, and unmotivated. As a leader in the future, I would use those similar, appropriate motivational techniques that Brooks used pre-game, and during games. His words were powerful and he spoke with passion and confidence. He wanted to win just as much as his players did. Right from the beginning of the movie, and in his real life coaching, Brooks wants his players to fear him, but respect him. I don’t think this is necessary, as I believe that you can lead with confidence and gain respect without your players being afraid of you. A big takeaway from the movie is how beneficial it is when coaches and players listen to and learn from each other. As a team captain of my hockey team my senior year, my coach would not listen to my co-captain and I. It was frustrating and made me resent him. Instead, what works very well is when there is mutual respect for both players and their coaches, and they can trust each other to make decisions that are right for the whole

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