Henry Vii Identity

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Identity is a concept that has long been explored by many kinds of people. Yet, there has never been a clear answer, no matter how many times in how many ways it has been analyzed. It is no different for the two plays, Henry IV and Six Characters in Search of an Author. In their own ways, each play has an idea of defining their identity. The reality of the plays
For Henry, his identity is about having a mask, a mask that he wears for many reasons. He wants to keep our others from his true self, and in wearing his mask as well, he is able to live his life at the same age through his character only, and therefore time is not changing for him. I find it interesting that he thinks that living out his life as his character will prevent him from changing, especially physically so. Of course his body will age, nature does not care about the state of your mind and will continue full force. It leaves me to wonder if he does not realize this, that he is so lost in his own mind that he doesn’t get it, but maybe he does but he is choosing to ignore it, much like he does already. Henry is obviously not comfortable living as himself and with the concept of his life changing and eventually aging and ending. So, he wears this mask to pretend like he is something else and so he does not have to face his true identity. Even if he was his true self, he does not want others to see it. Either way, he is uncomfortable with who he is. Perhaps he thinks that he is not good enough and will not ever be, and so instead of trying to better himself he just chooses to change into someone who is guaranteed to be important. Nothing here is unplanned for him and he basically knows exactly what is to happen. This is strange though because he is living his life as...

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... has not given these characters a purpose is a cruel mockery of them. He may be commenting that characters that have been written but not given a purpose are basically nothing, that the most important part of a play is in fact the author. This in this case would be Pirandello himself. In this way he is basically saying that he is the most important person in this story, even though he isn’t in it. All of these characters, actors, and directors, they do not matter and cannot exist without him. The author becomes the main identity of the play, because he is the creator and everything has a piece of the author whether they realize it or not.
The mask he wears could also be the link between actor and character. This is a similar idea in Six Characters as well with the fact that it is a blurred line often between who the actor is and who the character in the play is.

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