Henry Ford

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Henry Ford was an average boy, the eldest of six. Born July 30th, 1863, he would eventually become one of America’s most well-known inventors. His father, William Ford, had a farm in Springwells, Michigan. Young Henry didn’t like the hard, physical work of farming; he was much more interested in mechanics. At one point he was so fascinated with the mechanisms of clocks and watches that he made his own set of tools and went to work figuring out what it was that made them tick. He was schooled in a one-room schoolhouse with other children of all ages, learning from books, which presented gospel values and virtues as well as simple arithmetic and science. Supposedly, he would fix his classmates’ watches when the teacher wasn’t looking. His siblings would joke with him even on Christmas morning saying, “Don’t let Henry get your toys, he just takes them apart!” Once Ford grew old enough he took a mechanic job as an apprentice to the Flowers Brothers in Detroit. Ford still went back to Springwells to help his family with the harvest every fall. One fall a neighbor of the Fords hired Henry...

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