Henry David Thoreau's Impact On The Environment

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Henry David Thoreau was a massachusetts man, he lived just outside of concord near many other famous authors such as Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thoreau wrote many famous books and essay such as walden, civil disobedience, and many more other complaining works, but he is more well know for the father of "the economy of nature" /today known as ecology. Henry david thoreau may have only lived to be 44 but he has left a standing impact on the world with compelling ideas of conservation,and restoration of the environment through his writings.inspiring groups like the sierra club, the walden woods, and people like Don Henley( member of the eagles). As well as people that follow in his footsteps like Edward abbey an author and philosopher whose work in …show more content…

Thoreau help inspire the EPA the national park service and many acts that protect the environment like the endangered species act,energy policy act, a lot of which was done under the nixon administration which when i heard this surprised me due to that all nixon is really know worser things. Ronald Reagan also felt the green movement when he help create the CA, CWA, and OSHA. as well when under the Reagan administration In November 1980 the U.S. Congress passed an act that has been called "the most important environmental legislation in the history of the nation" the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act or ANILCA. The act made 104 million acres of Alaskan land into national parks and preserves, national forests, and national fish and wildlife preserves. About half of the land, 50 million acres, was set aside as wilderness.and let's not forget our lastest president barack Obama and all the efforts and works that he and michael Obama are have and are trying to accomplish like, September 2014, Obama expanded the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (PRIMNM),In March 2014, Obama established the first shoreline addition to the monument, as well as the Hawaii's Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument . The environmental efforts that has been by the US government is a lot more than I thought it …show more content…

Edward Paul Abbey was an American author and essayist noted for his advocacy of environmental issues, criticism of public land policies, and anarchist political views and was influenced by Thoreau's writings.Edward abbey once said “Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread.” which made me think of when i was a kid and went camping and played out in the woods behind my house and sail around the Neuse river and I believe that it's important to have good experience and connections with the wilderness, and if you don't have a connection to the environment then that's going to have a big effect on your charter.In the process of writing this essay I have learned a lot of things about the environment and the environmental movement, from the impact of U.S leaders to kids planning hikes with the sierra club, or a park Ranger teaching fifth graders about rivers all of this is thanks that some people were directly affected or indirectly by his works and

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