Henrietta Lacks Justice

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The movie does not do Henrietta Lacks justice, and neither has almost anyone who has came in contact with her cells. Henrietta Lacks and the whole Lacks family suffered so much and continue to suffer today, especially financially. A struggle that could have been resolved by many culprits mentioned in the book. Abundant amounts of people have different thoughts on whether or not the family's opinions or Henrietta's consent mattered, but there is no doubt that some type of justice should have been served. Henrietta Lacks life was not ideal to say the least. Her mother died when she was little and was raised with many other small relatives. She married her cousin day, and had a mentally challenged daughter( could have been from the incest). She died from cancer and doctors took her cells from her before and …show more content…

From Deborah(the youngest daughter of Henrietta and Day) who was constantly molested by her “caretakers” husband, then impregnated at 16 and later abused by her husband. Deborah who had to expose herself to odd jobs in order for her children to be fed. Deborah managed to deal with many health conditions during her life (such as hearing problems), but while reading it seems none of those mattered while she learned about her mother and sister Elsie. Aside from Deborah we also learned about her brother Zakkariya who got the worst of her “caretakers” wrath. Abused daily caused Zakkariya to be aggressive. While he served in the military he often argued with others. Once out, after an altercation killed a man named Ivy in cold blood but only had to serve 7 year(different from his 15 year sentence, which was already considered minimal from the normal 30 year incarceration time). Zakkariya, understandable, still held a grudge after his time out, but was soften every once in a while by topics or subjects related to his mother(such as the painting of her DNA Deborah gave to

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