Henrietta Lacks: An Analysis

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Some of my English papers required me to use the books Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot as guides. I enjoyed reading Dunn’s novel over Skloot’s novel, but I experienced more difficulty when writing one of the papers based on Dunn’s novel. All struggles aside, I improved my writing and learned how to write different essay types with the help of both books. Our first paper, based on the Lacks text, was an easy and fun paper to write. I’ve always wanted to show off my neighbor to someone that would appreciate her. I refused to show her off to my friends for fear of being judged, but I knew this essay put me in the perfect position to show her off. Also, the essay was easy to write because I knew so much about my topic. My neighbor always gave me more than enough information and stories about herself when we spoke. On the other hand, I found some …show more content…

The edict was a breeze because I was environmentally crafted into a ruler, but it could be improved upon still. Given the chance to fix it, I would tweak my introduction, make both the introduction and conclusion longer, and give a better presentation and more prepared visual. Whereas, the concept paper yanked my brain out of it’s socket because I struggled with my thesis, didn’t believe in myself, and waited too long to start. I tussled with thesis because each time I revised it, and I still could not see how I would write the essay. I didn’t see a framework or organizational structure for the paper, and even on the thesis I used I couldn’t see it until I found examples to support it. The examples, or lack of during my thesis writing, left me feeling hopeless about the essay. Next time I would find examples in the book first as I craft a thesis. Also, when I was debating my thesis, I should have started writing instead of spending too much time worrying over perfection since I can always return and fix

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