Hell In Religion

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It is believed that the souls will separate immediately from our body and go to Heaven or Hell while our bodies remain on Earth to decay. Christians believe that there is an afterlife no matter whether the diseased was buried or cremated. They believed that there are two parts. There is a hell for the sinner and haven for the believer of gods. The actions done by the individual while living will determine whether they will go to heaven or hell. There are references of heaven and hell in the Bible. People tend to believe that heaven is above the clouds and hells is beneath the Earth (like the underworld). As Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, Christians believed that we would all gain salvation. It is clearly stated …show more content…

Some also believed that they would just float up through the air and the clouds and meet Jesus in his second coming. The second coming is also known as the judgement day God will treat people in the afterlife according to how they lived their life on earth. Some Christians, including Roman Catholics, believe in purgatory. This is an in-between state for the majority of people of waiting for heaven, a time of cleansing from sin and preparing for heaven. It is said that on this day god will come back to earth and will rise up all the dead and will decide who will go to haven with him and who will go to hell and stay with the devil and pay the consequences for not obeying him. God will treat people in the afterlife according to how they lived their life on earth. It’s believed that when you go to heaven people are freed from their sin and …show more content…

). A lot of the Christians believe that heaven is place where you will go to if you lived a good and honest life (live according to the Ten Commandments) after dying, this is pictured as a luxurious place and they will enjoy the presence of God. It also tells about a place known as hell (like the roman underworld) this is portrayed as a place of judgement and punishment. People who have sin or people who broke the Ten Commandments are likely to end up here. The bible description of hell includes fire which is a symbol of pain, and destruction (2 Pet. 2:4). Some Christians believe the fire is a symbol of constant burning of one’s soul, whereas other sees it as a symbolic ways of communicating with god and serving the punishment for their sins. Christians believe that Jesus don of god rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion on the cross (a Roman method of execution). He resurrected as a human once more after 3 days. By being born as a human being thru reincarnation they believed that Jesus has defeated death and overcame it at the sae time. This showed that life after death was possible if you lived a good life and believe in god. Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies. ‘John 11:25-26, God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16. Christian’s

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