Heidi Williams Child Abuse

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According to Childhelp, a report of child abuse is made every ten seconds. Opposing Viewpoints, Child Abuse, public studies show that most guardians in the U.S. still use corporal punishment, especially with children under the age of eight. Heidi Williams is the author of Child Abuse. Many questions asked in her book consist of, “What constitutes child abuse?, What causes child abuse?, How does child abuse affect its victims?, and How can child abuse be prevented?”. Many people may disagree on “what causes child abuse, how to prevent it, or even what it is or isn’t”(Williams 17), but others try to bring this matter under consideration. Child abuse and neglect affect the development of children and their bodies. It has an abiding and continuing …show more content…

“Should modern perceptions of individual human rights take precedence over someone’s religious and traditional beliefs?” One aspect is that society is relative, which means it is not lawful for people to make righteous claims on other societies or other families. Parents know the appropriate way to treat a child and their rights should not be countermanded. Another aspect is that children have their own civil rights that replace their parents judgements and faithful beliefs. It is the authority of the government to decide the privilege of the child’s rights (Williams 19-20). Reasonings including if spanking is illegal or not, if parental drug use is considered or not considered a criminal act, if sibling bullying is child abuse, and if poverty is child abuse are all points that constitute child …show more content…

The misuse of drugs by parents or caretakers can have a negative effect on the well-being, health, and safety of children. “There are two main fields of concern that consist of the harm caused by fetal drug exposure and the harm caused to children of any age by the exposure to illegal drug activity in the home” (Williams 45). There is accumulating concern about the adverse impression on children when parents or other members of the household misuse drugs or alcohol or enlist in other illegal activity with the use of drugs. If a pregnant woman uses meth, there are many things the baby will encounter such as, “premature birth, low birth weight, cerebral injuries, birth defects, cerebral palsy and paralysis, dopamine depletion, abnormal sleep patterns, poor feeding, limpness, apparent depression, shaking and tremors, irritability, fits of range, sensitivity, and coordination problems” (47). There are roughly 23 states that direct the issue of uncovering children to unconstitutional stimulants. “Exposing children to the manufacture, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs is considered child endangerment in Alaska, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, and Missouri” (48). There are many ways to prove that parental drug use is a criminal act, there are also many ways to prove that it’s not a criminal

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