Hedonistic Utilitarianism Essay

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A Hedonistic Utilitarian View on Physician-Assisted Suicides Death with dignity, or physician-assisted suicide, is a highly controversial topic in medical fields today. The choice to bring an individual’s life to an end is a huge decision that has the ability to alter many live—not just that individual’s. Each person with their own disease is in a different situation than the next. Because of this, it is hard to look at these cases with a rule that is fully for or against it. Taking on the hedonistic utilitarian view allows for viewing each instance individually, but with guidance of the view’s goal. The hedonistic utilitarian aims to maximize overall happiness in the world and diminish overall pain. This guidance makes the hedonistic utilitarian view the perfect tool in deciding if physician-assisted suicide is permissible in each individual case. This decision has immense complexity involved as many factors play in and many individuals are affected. For instance, the type of …show more content…

However, as a human they have the moral obligation to make the right decision and utilizing hedonistic utilitarianism helps guide the process of making such a tough choice. Also if a person is in a vegetative state or too heavily sedated by drugs to make this choice, doctors should not just give in to their request to terminate life. The consequentialist would argue against my claim by saying that the best way to make this choice is to weigh all of the individual outcomes and choose the best one. Once again I agree with this objection actually, I do think that the outcomes are very important in the decision making process. Without guidance as to what the “best” outcome is, this would be a very error-prone method. That is why hedonistic utilitarianism is perfect to help because it guides you to the choice that maximizes overall happiness in the

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