Heavy Periods Essay

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Are your periods heavy?
Every woman’s periods are different, and it can be difficult to assess whether or not your bleeding is heavier than it should be. It is obviously something very personal, so it is normal to feel nervous about discussing this topic with the people around you. It is great that you are doing your own research. Every woman experiences their period in a different way and by doing your own research you can really narrow down the information. The easiest way to determine whether your periods are heavier than the norm is to really pay attention to how often you are changing whichever form of protection you are using. For example, if you’re changing your tampon or pad almost hourly, or if you tend to leak throughout your period, …show more content…

This would be a discussion to have with your doctor about whether or not the growths you have (if any) are dangerous to your health. If your heavy periods have brought you to the point of not being able to live a normal life, and fibroids or polyps are the proven cause for you, then surgery may be an option. Once you and your doctor have decided together to remove the growths, your doctor can choose to remove the fibroids through your vagina or through your abdominal cavity. They can determine this as they see fit. The procedure to have them removed is called a myomectomy. There are 3 different ways for your doctor to perform this:
• Abdominal myomectomy recovery typically takes four to six weeks,
• Laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy recovery typically takes two to three weeks, or
• Hysteroscopic myomectomy recovery typically takes less than a week.
The womb is not removed during any of these procedures, so if you are interested, you will usually still be able to get pregnant. Maintain a dialogue with your doctor at all times if you have concerns. All of these procedures are minimally invasive and have great success

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