Healthcare Is A Right Or A Privilege?

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There will always be this controversy over things that cannot be proven; as always there are many opinions about healthcare. The biggest debate lies in the question if healthcare is considered a right or a privilege? If health care was a universal right, health care would not be the number one cause of bankruptcy. In the United States statistics, data, and experience shows health Care is offered to us as a privilege.
If we look to the ideas of the past about what should be a universal right, the ideas that the Enlightenment painted for men were pretty straight forward. These rights included life, liberty, and property, and if you were in the United States the pursuit of happiness. What these universal rights meant was that no man could be deprived of his life, his property, or his liberty without due process of law. These were the founding principles of the UK as well as the USA and have been added into the constitutions of both nations. However, many of the countries of the world have gone back and have looked at these universal rights and have extended this list to also include water, healthcare, and education. In 2016 there are first world countries who offers these additional universal rights like France, Germany, Canada, Sweden, and Japan; there are also a very long list of third world countries who have found the way to offer free healthcare and water to all of their people like Mexico. Since countries in the developing world have found ways to offer free healthcare and education to their citizens, is it any wonder that people in one of the world’s largest economies are clamoring for the same rights? If you are working in Mexico and you break an arm or a leg, the government automatically dispatches a check to yo...

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...also be able to pay and reward doctors and nurses who treat people like patients and not numbers. As we have clearly seen, medicine for profit is not solving the problems of the healthcare system and many people are going bankrupt, dying, and choosing suicide over costly bills. Maybe we should learn from all of these situations and numbers and see that like the UK did, we should be looking at ways to expand our basic human rights to include healthcare.

The question at hand was is healthcare a right or a privilege, reviewing all facts, and data given you will see Health Care in the United States is a privilege. It seems very vile to have resources, and services to deny a person whom has a curable illness or disease, because they don’t have proper health care. However this is the society we live in where liberty and justice for all comes before healthcare for all.

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