Healthcare Career Research Paper

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My paper will give you insight on my healthcare profession. I choose healthcare administration as my career choice. The reason I choose this was because I have always wanted to work in healthcare in a management role and this degree will take me to where I want to be. A quick look into the career of an administrator. They manage hospitals and specific departments or clinics within the hospital medical and diagnostic laboratories. They are also responsible for directing and coordination of health services. Healthcare administration is a great career if you would like to get into a leadership role within any of these places. Not only do you get to run the day to day of the facility but you will also be in charge of some hiring and finance roles …show more content…

My dream job is to get into mental health I would like to own and operate my own mental health facility. I feel like it is something that we really need here in New Orleans and it would be a big help. I feel like my facility would benefit a lot of people with mental health issues and their families. I plan to offer classes to the family so that they could earn how to properly deal with their family member who is going thru a mental health break down. I will also deal with people who are suicidal. My facility will also offer long term care where you can come and stay so that you won’t have to be on the street and dealing with you mental health problems. At my facility I will offer different counsel classes for drug addiction as well since they have so many people out here that really need the help and not enough is being done to provide the help that everyone needs. They have very little resources for people suffering from addiction here where I am from. I have seen other places that I have visited that they offer free places for people to go and seek help and even offer them …show more content…

It will take a lot of hard work and tons of dedication but in the end I will be doing something that I love to do and that is helping people. I know I have a lot of work to do and I may even need to get some experience under my belt but I plan on sticking to my goal so I can be successful in my future. If my plan doesn’t work out I can always be a manager in my current field of medical billing it is a short term goal but anything is possible if you put your mind to it.Since I started from the bottom with my career in healthcare I want to move all the way to the top I don’t mind putting in the long hours and time with going back to school to get all the education I need in order for me to reach my goals. I have been in healthcare for over 14 years I started with little experience all because I went to the hospital one day for a spider bite and knew right then that this is where I need to be in healthcare . my nurse was so nice to me and she explained everything I needed to do once I left the hospital that day and what my reactions would be from the bite and since that day on I have never looked back I started school to become a medical assistant and I did that for a few years then I moved to phlebotomy and then medical billing and decided to go get certified as a medical coder and now I am getting my bachelor’s degree I am so proud of myself it has

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