Health Promotion Paper

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Health promotion is about empowering individuals to take control over their own health to improve their overall wellbeing (World Health Organization, n.d.). In this discussion I will discuss my own healthy, or lack thereof, life style and ways I can take control to improve my own wellbeing. As nurses we often take the backseat to others needs, which places our own health at risk. We are found preaching to patients and families the need to take care of themselves first, when we often do not do that ourselves. I will freely admit I place myself last in terms of health promotion. I often attempt to function on as little as three hours of sleep and average six a night. I drink diet soda and coffee and due to work, school and family I …show more content…

By looking at my situation I need to realize that the choices am I making is actually making me work harder, not smarter. I am attempting to cut down a forest with a butter knife when I need to use a chain saw. Sleep deprivation can adversely affect the immune system, concentration, cognition and mood. (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2014). By restricting my sleep I am actually making school and work harder and adding to my stress level. Proper hydration is essential for many functions within the body such as temperature, waste elimination, cognition and normal body functions (Martinez, 2014). By consuming water I can reduce calories, increase my cognition and over all wellbeing. Let’s not forget the importance of exercise that has proven effects to reduce tension, reduce anxiety, elevate mood, improve sleep, and improve overall wellbeing (Anxiety and Depression Association of America, n.d.). By using the stairs at work instead of the elevator I will increase my physical activity and promote a heal tier me. Also I can walking around the block daily with my kids as a time ro talk about our day it would help me not only assist my relationship with my kids, but also assist with weight reduction and stress

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