Health Benefits Of The Pears

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Alyssa Blackburn Alysavit Steinmetz Botany M8 February, 2018 The Pear. Have you ever taken a bite of a pear during the summer and let the sweet pear juice run down your face and arms, it’s good right? Have you ever wondered how pears came to be or where they came from? You’ll learn where they came from, why they’re still around and some of the benefits of eating them. Pyrus communis or Pears are a bulb like shaped fruit. It is a light green on the outside and on the inside the pear is a white yellowish color. The pear has a stem in the very center and the seeds are a dark brown or black. Pears were first grown around the periods 1603-1867 and it was recorded in 1860 that 150 people planted pears and soon they became widely planted. Around the period they were first planted they …show more content…

Pears help the digestive system by making food easier to pass through the intestines and regulates bowel movements and also helps with constipation. Pears help with weight loss because they don’t have many calories and the fiber in pears makes you feel full after eating it. Pears can help prevent cancer because of the antioxidents and vitamic C inside of them. Pears can improve heart health because they’re a great source of potassium which means they can lower blood pressure and can reduce the strain on your whole cardiovascular system. Pears are said to also prevent birth defects because you need to have the right amount of folic acid or vitamins in your system. Pear growers in the U.S. have been relying on pear trade from foreign growers to bring in some of their fresh pears. The U.S. has an export of 188,346 pears from 2011, which was a 12% increase from 2010. The fresh pears from the U.S. go to almost 100 countries with the largest markets such as Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and

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