Health And Social Class Essay

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Social class and patterns of health and illness.
Social class is the mixture of occupation, housing, income level and education. Social class can be a reason why some people might often get ill. For example, if you live in a poor housing condition, you are likely to be prone to illness. On the other hand, if you live in nice clean house, then you are more likely to stay away from illness.
Life expectancy
The life expectancy can be varied when it is compared based on social class. People have different occupation and this can be the reason why the life expectancy is different. For example, if a person has a job in the mine and another one had a job in an office, the one who has a job in the office are more likely to live longer because they work in a cleaner environment, away form smoke and dust. The England and Wales the Poverty Site 2009 draws attention that men who works in routine or manual backgrounds have lower life expectancy compared to men who has jobs in the intermediate backgrounds and managerial or professional backgrounds. Per 100,000 men who works in …show more content…

If you are really poor and has few money, you are more likely to buy poor food with less nutrients causing more health problems such as obesity and diabetes. The percentage of obesity in men and women in the poorest fifth (the very poor category) are: men 19% and women 29%. 2nd category from the top, men 26% and women 27%. 3rd category from the top, men 22% and women 25%. The 4th category states men 21% and women 22% and the richest fifth, men 23% and women 16%. When we look back at the patterns we can see some similarities. The poorest are more likely to be obese compared to the richest especially when the women are compared. This could mean that the rich people can afford good nourished food and they may have the facility to do exercise compared to the poor. The poor people may not have enough money to buy good food and to do

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