Healing Hospital Case Study

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In hospitals and other health care institutions today, it is an all too familiar scene to witness nurses programming medical devices in patient rooms, technicians trying to maneuver their machines in the hallways and doctors entering orders using their portable electronic devices. The constant noise from machines sounding their alarms and even conversations outside of a room between the members of the health care team can cause further stress on patients. To lessen the stress on patients, hospitals and health care providers need to provide a quiet environment to enhance healing (Eberst, 2008). Furthermore, it is imperative for health care providers to address not only physical interventions in the care of patients, but also address their spiritual …show more content…

A healing physical environment is a noise-free environment. The common challenge most hospitals face is how to provide and more importantly, how to maintain a quiet environment for patients. Excessive noise is unsettling and disrupts sleep and rest. Modifying visiting hours, for example, will allow more time for patients to rest. Limiting conversations outside of a patient room and eliminating overhead paging are other ways a quiet environment can be achieved. A noise-free environment not only benefits patients in promoting healing, it also has a positive impact to caregivers in providing a calmer environment (Eberst, …show more content…

Jesus is the ultimate healer as he heals not only illness, but restores people’s faith and their relationship with God. An example in Luke 5:17-25 tell a story of a paralyzed man and his friends fighting their way through a crowd to lie before Jesus. Jesus witnessed their faith and proceeded to forgive their sins as the paralyzed man stood up in front of them. “Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me” Psalm 30:2 (New International Version [NIV]). In Matthew 9:27-31, Jesus healed two blind men after they professed their faith in

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