Hatshepsut Essay

817 Words2 Pages

From Queen to Pharaoh

Throughout world history, there have been many rulers. In ancient Egypt, rulers are called Pharaohs. The Pharaohs ruled Egypt with great power. The Egyptians looked at Pharaohs as God kings. Though, there had been many male Pharaohs in the past, there once emerged a new type of Pharaoh, a woman. The first female Pharaoh, Hatshepsut. This paper will prove that Hatshepsut gained power as a female Pharaoh because she took advantage of the opportunity of being a Pharaoh, she convinced her people that she is a god, and is the daughter of a successful king. In the beginning, Hatshepsut was able gain power because she took advantage of the opportunity of being a Pharaoh. History.com states, “According to custom, Hatshepsut began acting as Thutmose III’s regent, handling affairs of state until her stepson came of age.” Hatshepsut took advantage of the period of time when her stepson was not old enough to become a …show more content…

Hatshepsut invented a story saying the god Amun, talked to her about ruling the land. Lucy de Masson from ancient.ed writes, “Hatshepsut claimed that Amun had named her as ruler of Egypt: “Amun, the Lord of Thebes; he caused that I should reign over the Black and Red Land”. Not only does Hatshepsut make up stories, she also built temples where common people could worship her. The Deir el-Bahari is one of the most significant buildings built by the Egyptians. It was built to honor Hatshepsut, as a Pharaoh and God. Hatshepsut built numerous temples, livescience.com states, “As a ruler, Hatshepsut inaugurated building projects that far outstripped those of her predecessors,” Hatshepsut also built many other buildings in locations such as, Qasr Ibrim, Semna, Faras and Buhen. By having numerous amounts of temples, it shows the ability of the Pharaoh. Hatshepsut has surpass many of the male Pharaohs and all of these projects proves

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