Hateno Forts: A Short Story

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Hateno Fort, the last bastion against the horde of Ganon’s creations and the Hylian rule. A fabled battle had taken place there, and legends tell of the hero who gave his life to defend the Princess. Link hated the place. It was raining, drizzling really, and he stepped carefully around guardian remains, grabbing the odd bolt or two from the undersides of the automatons. He wandered on foot, his horse, Nocturne, following loyally behind him, reins in hand. Her breath was warm against his hair, a stark contrast to the chilly, damp air around them. The two picked their way through the graveyard of Guardians slowly. Every so often, Link would catch a glimpse, a fleeting image of his past life. None of these stuck, though, his brain seemed fuzzier than ever. …show more content…

The two set off down the road in the direction of Hateno Village. Link decided that he better visit Purah to see if there was any more to be done with the Sheikah slate before returning to Impa. Plus, on a more selfish note, he enjoyed the quiet, thriving life of Hateno Village, and ever since he had purchased a house there, he found himself friends with many of the townsfolk. The promise of his home and his own bed spurred him forward, and another hour passed before he found a safe clearing to camp in for the night. He gathered wood and built a fire before removing Nocturne’s tack and setting his bedroll down on the forest floor. Kneeling down, he smoothed the roll out on the grass, and bunched up one end to make a pillow. Nocturne nickered, and came to stand beside him, and she pushed him with her muzzle. Link turned around to look at his horse, and she took a step sideways, now parallel to the bed roll. Sliding her limbs beneath her, Nocturne laid down protectively behind Link. Laughing softly, he moved towards her to pet her nose in

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