Harvey Dent Quotes

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In the movie The Dark Knight directed by Christopher Nolan the main character, Bruce Wayne, is the Batman. What the Batman does is defeat evil and fights bad guys and he does not kill. He tries to solve though every conflict without anyone getting hurt, but of course something always turns out to go wrong. There is another character in the movie and his name is Harvey Dent he defeats evil and puts the bad guys in jail with his power of a district attorney. In the movie he loses his girlfriend Rachel Dawes who he was going to marry. After Rachel died, Harvey was saved by Batman and his face got burnt which physically turned him into Two-Face. In the movie there is a quote that goes, “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.” Harvey Dent fits this quote because he started off as a hero and I guess too much time passed by …show more content…

He becomes a tragic hero by being in power for so long. Harvey Dent has so much power, confidence and pride because he thinks that he is just great and perfect. Harvey became very violent when he lost Rachel. Harvey felt like he had lost everything. He felt that way because Rachel was like his everything and they were going to get married. So obviously he felt let down that the Batman would save him and not Rachel. While Batman was saving Harvey, Gotham Police were in charge of saving Rachel but the warehouse exploded. So Rachel was not saved and so she passed away. The conflict here was that Batman went to the wrong direction that the Joker gave to Batman. The Joker gave the Batman two directions, one of them was where Rachel was and the other was where Harvey was. He was heading towards Rachel’s address but the Joker must have gave out the correct addresses but towards the wrong people so Batman saved Harvey instead of Rachel. So what really made him break and turn to Two-Face was losing everything he

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