Harmony of the Spheres

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Through history, as said before, many philosophers have supported and developed what Pythagoras first exposed to the world. One of the most important philosophers to support Pythagoras’s ideas was Plato. In some of his writings he discusses the creation of the universe based on the musical proportions discovered by Pythagoras (Timaeus), and the explanation of the sound emitted by the planets, which is exposed in the “Myth of Er” in The Republic. It talks about a man who died and came back to life who narrates how he saw the space and how, in every “sphere,” there was a being singing constantly, each one in a different tone, so a perfect harmony was built. Nevertheless, not everyone agreed with this theory, being one of its most important critics Aristotle, who claimed that Plato’s arguments where false in his text On the Heavens. He acknowledges that it is a creative and innovative theory, but it is absurd to think that such music, which is imperceptible to us, exists in a harmonic way up in the heavens. I am not going to go deeper into that for it is not relevant for the text. As the years went on, many people continued developing this theory. Nevertheless, this philosophical theory, not truly explained until later on, was an inspiration for many artists and that is why not only philosophers but many other artists mention and base their works upon this theory. “Follow me, modern musicians, and attribute it to your arts, unknown to antiquity: in these last centuries, Nature, always prodigal of herself, has at last brought forth, after an incubation of twice a thousand years, you, the first true offprints of the Universal Whole. By your harmonizing of various voices, and through your ears, she has whispered of herself, as she i... ... middle of paper ... ... Again he positioned these two as “G” and positioned the rest according to the relation between the numbers (Kepler: Book V). Looking at all that has been mentioned, Kepler found that in fact Pythagoras had a certain approach to what the music scale, in relation to the planets, was. He managed to built melodies of the numbers that he discovered by observing the planets that brought together would create what he believed was the one true Harmony of the World. As it has already been mentioned before, Kepler believed that God’s creation should be able to be discovered by humans and since he also believed in the celestial music created by God himself, that scale should be the “one” scale thought by God. Nonetheless, though the theoretical explanation of this is quite obscure and complex, it can be better understood if we analyze how it applies to musical compositions.

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