Harmony In Diversity

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Diversity is defined as a difference or a variety in many a dictionary. In others, it is also defined as unlikeness. Everything in the world is different from each other; even identical twins don’t have the same fingerprints. This goes to show that the world is a huge variety, a diversity of creatures that can be scientifically proven. Thus, we must be thankful to God for the harmony that comes with being diverse. Without diversity in every creation, there is a possibility of no harmony between all living beings on Earth. That is why we, as humans with the amazing ability to think, and best of all, to think rationally, must do our very best to nurture and cherish the harmony that exists within every kind of diversity on Earth. People …show more content…

There are humans who are created beautiful, clever, athletic, and there are some who are created to be less beautiful, clever or athletic. All good adjectives does not exist in one human alone. For example, human A may be as beautiful as an angel but so petite she could only dream of playing netball. Human B may be as brilliant as Einstein but looks so geeky no girl would look his way twice. There is no single human that can be beautiful, brilliant, hardworking and athletic. Some people have some good points, while other people have some other good points. We are created to complement each other and that is why we can live in harmony even through the diversity in our creations. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is extremely subjective. God created us in such a way that no matter how one person looks, someone will always find him or her attractive. If everyone is clever there would certainly be arguments everyday and that is a reason why we must be thankful for the harmony within this diversity and cherish it with all our hearts. Without this kind of diversity, we would not live in harmony the way we do

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