Hardship In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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Sisters have, for a long time, been a staple of what it means to band together. Even if not related by blood, the bonds women have created throughout history have been strong. The idea that women form bonds in the face of hardship plays a key role in Khaled Hosseini’s novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. Hosseini holds the belief that these bonds are not only incredible but necessary for their survival. Especially in the face of hardship and adversity, Hosseini believes that the friendships and sisterhoods women have is what keeps them alive. In one example, Rasheed, the husband of Mariam and Laila, blames Mariam for Laila denying him what he wants and decides to beat her as a punishment until Laila stops him. Later, Laila and Mariam realize …show more content…

Mariam and Laila grow to love each other as sisters throughout the many years that they are married to Rasheed, but the moment that Mariam shows exactly how much she has come to care for Laila is when she hits Rasheed with a shovel. As Rasheed is about to kill Laila, Mariam realizes that she “[can] not allow that to happen” even if it meant throwing the rest of her own life away (348). The moment that Mariam kills Rasheed everything that could have happened for her life disappears, but her one goal has been achieved. She has saved Laila and granted her the rest of life without Rasheed to hold her back and it occurs to Mariam “that this [is] the first time that she was deciding the course of her own life” (349). Having Laila around all these years as a friend has boosted her confidence more than anyone else has in her whole life. That’s what sisters do; they build each other up and protect each other with their lives. Likewise, Malala Yousafzai has fought in her country for years for right to a girl’s education. In a Washington Post article written by Michele Leiby it is cited that Malala said in an interview that it is her right and “it is the right of every child, to go to school” and that this right “should not be neglected” (Leiby). Leiby goes on to talk about the strength Malala has had since she was shot by the Taliban. Since that day she has delivered numerous addresses at the United Nations and at the World Bank, along with this she has written a book and has become the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (Leiby). The story of Malala and all that she has done in the name of education for girls truly shows the lengths to which women will go to ensure a bright future for other women. She almost lost her life fighting for a cause that she believes is one of the most important things in the world. Although Mariam is

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