Hard Work Pays Off

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“A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work,” a quote by Colin Powell. When someone wants something big in life, they do their best to go and get it. It is not by sitting down and fantasizing about it, but actually going out into the world and putting it into action. People look at others’ achievements, telling themselves that those people are successful because they were determined to do it. In Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers: The Story Of Success, he investigates how people become successful. He suggests that a person’s success is through key factors such as intelligence, opportunity, hard work or culture. Gladwell introduces several people who have gone through life successfully and examines the opportunities that helped them achieve the highest spot. What really makes a person an outlier? The most important factor for a person to be defined as an outlier is individual hard work in trying to achieve an accomplishment.
Hard work is the most important factor in creating an outlier. A true outlier is a person who is determined to get his or her work done. Gladwell reveals the work rule of ten-thousand hours. The Beatles and Bill Gates are a few examples of how this rule worked. The Beatles worked “…harder [each night], putt[ing their] heart and soul into it…” to please the audience (Gladwell 49). Playing their gigs in one year, when added together was 270 nights of performing. They mastered different songs to make people want to listen to them, so “…when they came back, they sounded like no one else” (Gladwell 50). Thus, the Beatles were a successful group of boys. Bill Gates on the other hand, worked on a computer to figure out new programming software. As Gladwell states, “…Gat...

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... should care about outliers. They are the ones whose achievements create opportunities for other people. The society may not have these chances, if not for them. As a society, people should encourage others to do their best and work hard to accomplish their goals. They should study and gain intellect on the world around them. Society should provide more opportunities to kids today that will help them become an outlier. When they see a potential outlier they can create special programs to influence them to use their talent. They should encourage kids to try their best, to strive to succeed and not to give up on the first trial. Parents can set up special awards for kids who try hard like going to an amusement park or eating at their favorite restaurant as an incentive to work hard. Working hard with the right incentive will create successful, high achieving outliers.

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