Happiness In Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451'

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The meaning of Happiness How would the world without books, in a world where we are controlled by technology. We might already be even more to the point where our kids are taken away from us and we don't mind. In a world where suicide becomes normal. Well this is the world of Clarisse Montag's wife. Montag is a fireman who literally burns houses for a living, in his society that's what a fireman does for a living instead of saving lives, he burned houses but only if the people who live there have books. People don't know what they have lost, and they don't realize it either. They all think they're happy but how do they know they really are? Books help you go through the process of thinking. Since they are not allowed to read they kinda …show more content…

Happiness comes with feeling but how do we know they have feeling they don't care about their families. We know everyone live this because Montag's friend says everyone lives like this, they all stay home and enjoy the t.v. Everyone who doesn't gets their homes destroyed by the fire. There must be people who don't want to live like that because other wise how do the firemen have jobs? Their lives are guided by the t.v how would they want a feeling that they never in their lives have felt. We Can't blame just technology for this we all live how we want to, but how do we search for something that we don't know exist. You don't know how it feels what it is so you never want it, if they could just turn away from the t.v and look for something, they might just find something new. That could be more in interesting or enjoyable than the television. The old lady found something that was enjoyable for her, she loved it so much she would rather die than lose it. I think that's why she burned herself alive. They never find the meaning of happiness because they don't know what to look for. Technology doesn't take anything away from them, they take it away from themselves no one makes them watch t.v all day. If they don't look for something new they won't ever find any feeling or

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