Happiness And Work Effectiveness Essay

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People are constantly trying to seek what happiness truly is, can it be measured, and how best can it be described. The idea of what happiness is, often changes as happiness is a basic human emotion. An emotion that arises from subjective wellbeing, a balance of positive feelings over negative feelings and overall satisfaction (LECTURE NOTES). Bellitoni (2004, 94) defines happiness as “Merely a relatively enduring, positive state of mind”. Happiness can be dependent on the environment in which we surround ourselves in. This can be predominantly seen within the working environment. Throughout this essay I will discuss and critically analyse the relationship between happiness and work effectiveness within organisations. A critical analysis is …show more content…

Effective in terms of how well they carry out their roles within their place of work. Reaching their goals and targets, low absenteeism, high organisational commitment, increased creativity, motivation and overall productivity Warr and Clapperton (2010). Are happier workers more productive in the workplace, if so does this lead to improved work effectiveness? These are a number of thoughts that stuck me when doing my research, how both happiness and work effectiveness impact organisations in today’s modern society. Whilst Warr and Clapperton (2010) highlights the difficulty in defining happiness “finding a precise definition is like nailing down a soot”. There are a number of factors that contribute to happiness in the workplace, social interaction, relationships, rewards, benefits, learning and development programmes to name a few Radcliff (n.d.). From my own experience, some jobs can be truly awful, whilst many can be simply great, which impacts both an individual’s happiness in the job and also overall how well they perform. Although most jobs are between the good and the bad, this is something that is evitable in …show more content…

According to Smith (2015) the most content workers in the U.S. credit their happiness at work around employee incentives, career advancement programs, ample benefits, and great work-life balance. Happiness at work is all about how you evaluate your own happiness within the workplace. Rewards, helping others, maximising your strengths and ability’s, working hard towards various goals/objectives, these are all activities that influence your own contentment at work (Salvendy,

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