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[Q6] There is no pure state within the human condition; happiness is a state of mind, a mentality. Any type of relationship can lead to happiness or any other type of state. Everything depends on everything else. Achieving goals is the key to happiness, but it depends on what kind of goals. Intrinsic and extrinsic goals determine what type of happiness you’ll have. Intrinsic goals leads to inner fulfillment, on the other hand; extrinsic goals lead to pleasure and anxiety.
[Q6, Q11] Having extrinsic goals is focused on external gain and rewards and looks forward for wealth, fame, praise, status and personal image. The more people that achieve extrinsic goals are tools to be used by someone else’s gain and do not own control of own self to make a decisions. The individual is stuck on a tread mill running forever seeking please to fill the void, that missing emotional hole. This void is filled by material and objects to reach “happiness” but on the contrary, it leads to paraphernalia of suffering because anything that is used to fill the void doesn’t last and an individual is stuck with the constant seeking of filling the void with objects that doesn’t have any significant. The individual in the thread mill misses out on all the things that would be important to them and leads to anxiety because of the constant seeking of new materials and objects that satisfy you temporarily. Examples of extrinsic goals would be going to college to get a degree, getting good grades so your parents will recompense with a treat, and learning to cook so later you will earn money as a chef. All of the examples are focused on doing a something to get something in return.
[Q6] On the other hand, having intrinsic goals in our life will nature our sense...

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...shows a lot of trust and faith on the other person. The speaker loves this person so much that he would give away this valuable cloth filled with all his dreams and hopes. He will give everything to have a good and strong relationship with the women. But sadly he is poor and cannot afford the cloth. All he has is love and his dream of this relationship. He gives those dreams to the women because he loves her so much and trusts her with his future. The speaker holds his dreams and whatever happens to those dreams in her hands. You do not need money to have love, there is no need for the cloth, all that matters is true love where both are willing to give each other everything to have a good relationship. He knows that his love, will and his dream to having a relationship is all that matters to have a good relationship and having a good relationship leads to happiness.

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