Hannibal Lector Character Analysis

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The Hidden Personalities “Psychopaths do not act like Hannibal Lector or Norman Bates. They come off like Hugh Grant, in his most adorable role.” Eric and Dylan are true psychopaths. Psychopaths develop in many different ways. Some hide their psychopathic ideals like Eric and Dylan.
Some let their feeling show for the world to see and do not hide their weaknesses in the shadows like Hannibal Lector and Norman Bates. Hannibal Lector is not afraid to show his inter most feelings to the public. Hannibal craves the horrible things he does to people’s love ones. He does not restrict the inklings of a thought that comes in his thoughts. The movie that portrays his extreme capability of the most awful crimes is Silence of The Lambs. Norman …show more content…

They are more like Hugh Gant in the way that they hide their psychopathic ways. Eric likes to talk his way of any situation. Eric can be lying straight to someone’s face, but the way he smoothly talks nothing is suspected. Speaking to girls, Eric can win them over with his quick wit, dazzling dimples, and disarming smile (6). Dylan is different in those ways. He receives girls by passing them a Chips Ahoy cookie instead of a real conversation (7). The day of the shooting Eric and Dylan show a side that they have hidden for so long. Eric shows many signs of psychopathy. He writes, “I will choose to kill,” but Eric’s explanation never adds up (239). Dylan mainly just wants a way out of his depression not to kill anyone. Dylan has a great amount of anger problems. Most of Dylan’s problems are when he is younger. He and his friends were slipping around in the creek when Dylan falls in the mud. His friends howling with laughter upset Dylan. “STOP!” Dylan screams, “STOP LAUGHING AT ME!” “STOP! STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!” The boys abruptly stopped laughing (126). Dylan still carries these anger problems throughout the book. This behavior shows he has problems. Psychopaths come in big and small packages with many different forms of personalities. Most of the time these psychopaths pop up in the middle of the darkness when people are least expecting it, like at Columbine. There are many types like Eric and Dylan, who hide their emotions. Then, there are people who are open to their craziness and enjoy their lives as a psychopath, like Hannibal Lector or Norman Bates. Always remember, never judge a book by its

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