Hammurabi Vs Clutter

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Hammurabi's code states, “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” Whatever is taken something of equal value must be given. In reference to the Clutter case, many people believe that Richard and Perry should be sent to the gallows. Fortunately, Perry and Richard are unable to be given live in prison. Kansas state law does not permit the sentence life in prison. In atonement for their sins, Richard and Perry will most likely be sent to the death. Mr. Fox, the brother of Mrs. Clutter, believes they should be forgiven for their sins. Mr. Fox believes that the death of more people will not change the situation. Will it not take a murderers out of the world? Will it not potentially save more lives? Will it not let Holcomb finally be at peace? …show more content…

She was a wonderful horsewomen at the traveling rodeo she worked at. She met a lovely Irish cowboy, and had a lot going for her and her growing family. With her family, she would travel all of the United States. After an injury, she quite riding and turned to alcohol. With alcohol, she lost sight of herself. She became a drunk, and stopped caring for her family. Liquor is able to change the best of people. It causes reckless actions and bursts of rage. The actions of a drunk person can affect the people all around them. In the case of Perry's mom it broke their family. It was the first domino to fall in the long and twisted journey of Perry's life.

Many people have lived the rags to riches story. Famous comedian and actor Jim Carrey was a high school dropout. Carrey's father was laid off, and as a last resort Jim Carrey became a janitor. Carrey was not satisfied with the life he was living, so he wiped the dirt off his face and was determined to change his fate. He started acting, and his career took off. After time, Carrey became a famous actor and comedian. People can make the best of any situation. With hard work and the support of your friends and family anything is

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