Hamlet's Wave of Emotions

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Hamlet's Wave of Emotions
“Hamlet” the play by William Shakespeare features the character of Hamlet who is the main focus of the play. Hamlet has recently lost his father and his mother remarries quickly to his uncle Claudius. Thus leading Hamlet to believe that something fishy is going on between his parents. This becomes Hamlet's lead throughout the play allowing him to seek the truth of what happened to his father. Whether his father was killed naturally, or by Claudius himself. This truth seeking Hamlet is what leads him to a path of revenge and shifts his attitude of what he used to be to a vengeful spirit. During the play Hamlet experiences a loss of control over himself and this forces him to suffer the consequences of his actions.
Beginning with Act I Hamlet's emotions and level of control are at a normal level even after the recent death of his father. Though with his father's death it's reasonable to experience the five stages of grief, but when it comes to Hamlet his father's death doesn't hit him until the recent sighting of his father's ghost. At first he approaches the subject head on and logical figuring Bernardo, Horatio, and Marcellus we just mad and seeing things. But as they try to convince him of what they saw Hamlet strikes to get to the core of this situation and clear everything up which by doing so shows the control he has in handling these odd situations. It is not until the end of Act I that Hamlet's control begins to falter because the ghost has spoken to him, approached him about the death of his father. This is where Hamlet's emotions get the best of him and he allowed himself to feel, allowed himself to get close and personal to the situation at hand. The ghost now has a slight advantage in Hamlet...

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...ound him.
Once Hamlet lost control there was no way of freeing himself of his obsession and that became his downfall. The obsession came from the emotions of grief and anger, and when he didn't have control they were lost in the obsession. Driving Hamlet insane because the obsession became his central focus allowing the obsession to become what killed him. The consequence of losing himself was actually him suffering death due to his emotions. There was no other way Hamlet could see that would have him live with what he and done and be okay with it. In the end the only logical thing he could do was put a fight until he died. Due to his state of mind the only thing he had control over was the revenge and once that was complete there was nothing left, but to leave his mark and focus his last moments on avenging his father.

Works Cited

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

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