Hamlet Love And Death Essay

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To create a great tragedy there has to be entanglements of love and death, which William Shakespeare followed as a rule for thumb while writing his plays. A prime example of Shakespeare’s is The Tragical History of Hamlet Prince of Denmark were he plays with the theme of death and immorality. Showing consequences to death then provides reactions to a death which leads to a chain of events that may have never happen without love for the desisted. The strong emotion of death brings individuals to do crazy things but so does love. In act three Hamlet contemplates the consequences of death with his famous soliloquy. “To be or not to be- that is the question: wheather ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer… or to take arms against a sea of troubles …show more content…

Two clearly seen events that lead to Ophelia’s actions, one is her strong love for her father; the other is after Hamlet rejected her love she went insane which those event have been debated to which tipped her to insanity. For another theory could be her madness from the realization that Hamlet, her lover, was her father’s murderer. It is stated by king Claudius “when sorrows come, they come not single [in] spies” (p.108). Either way, Ophelia could not see any other reason to stay. In addition, to show a chain of events linked together, after Ophelia’s death, her brother Laertes was motivated to get revenge for her and his father. King Claudius reposes a duel with Hamlet to settle is dispute to Laertes which they both agree. Which leads to the death of Queen Gertrude. Beginning the falling of others, after Gertrude was Laertes then King Claudius, Hamlet then to close Horatio. Hamlet tells the court, “he hath killed my king and whored my mother, popped in between th’ election and my hopes” bring Claudius to shame and to drink his own poison that killed the Queen (pg.136). Hamlet is upon is death, telling is close companion and loyal servant Horatio to tell his story. With Horatio’s great love for Hamlet, he drinks from the poison cup. These deaths were carried out through a change of events by strong bond for each character. As the connections between characters grow,

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